Devlog week #1
Kul » Devlog

Hello, this is my first devlog for twin stick space shooter I am making (for now code-named Kul)
For game (if we can call this prototype a game) runs perfectly fine on my crappy development laptop (Core i3, 6G of RAM and some no-name SSD running Fedora 31) and Huawei P30. So this week in review what have I done and what plans are for the next week:
- Started this project using Godot 3.1 engine and made small prototype using placeholder assets
- Implemented keyboard + mouse and touch controls (using this awesome tutorial by Gonkee). There was an issue with targeting joystick (that's why its not moving in video), nor both joysticks work fine on Android
- Created placeholder GUI theme, added menu and settings screens. For now in settings it's possible only to change resolution, but I needed that to fix different resolution issues (as seen in video right joystick has big margin on the right side, now it is fixed)
- Added player health and damage functionality (still can't die but code is in place) and placeholder health bar (green bar on the top)
- Started to refactor code and project structure, because I didn't take that into consideration when building prototype, so codebase is a mess
This week I will dedicate to refactor project structure and codebase
Space shooter in making using Godot game engine
Status | In development |
Author | bogdanas |
Genre | Shooter |
Tags | 2D, Shoot 'Em Up, Top down shooter, Twin Stick Shooter |
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- Devlog week #2Jan 12, 2020
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